Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Update- What to do in Nashville!

Hey Everyone! I hope all of your summers are going well. I’ve been interning in Nashville as the director of marketing for a start-up company called Teammates Matter. I work really closely with 2 other interns and basically work on all aspects of marketing, communications, advertising and PR. Because we are such a small company, I really feel like my work is important. If this company is around in a couple of years, I will know that I had a large part in that, which is great motivation to learn, contribute, and bring some new knowledge back to VPRS. I’m so excited about where we are going as an organization, and I think this next semester is going to be great for us. As many of you all know, we decided to start a Nashville Scene type blog with fun things to do around Nashville. Since I’m here, I will start it off, and we can all take part during the year!

So here goes! My take on what’s “Hot” in Nashville is actually hot all over the country. It’s not just one place or one thing– it’s the ultimate Nashville experience. I’m not a morning person, and even though I have to wake up at 7 am for the first time since high school, one thing gets me to work on time-- For those of you who don’t know, Groupon is a website that offers ridiculously low prices on fun things to do: dining out, amusement parks, you name it. The Groupon changes every day, so I open my email in the morning solely to check out what they are throwing at me (and read Imani’s emails!) A few examples of recent Groupons are $46 for a hair makeover at Fierce Salon and Spa, regular $154 value. I have never had a “hair makeover;” but chances are if I ever wanted to get one, it would probably cost a lot more than $46. They offer cake decorating classes, zip-line tours, and the usual 50% at an eclectic group of the most contemporary restaurants in Nashville. One thing that I have heard from most Vandy alums is that they regret getting stuck in the “Vanderbubble” and not really getting to experience the city. Groupon lets you do experience all of Nashville for 50% off. You could visit the Hermitage for $8 or take in the sights on the three-hour Homes of the Stars tour for $20. Groupons make great gifts; as a matter of fact, I’m taking my mom out to brunch in Atlanta with my most recently purchased Groupon. Even if you aren’t in Nashville this summer, their deals are popping up in just about every major city, so try it at home and switch the location when you get back to school. Not to mention that you get $10 every time you refer a friend; so if you like Groupon, ask for my referral code. You might just be buying me dinner for two at Cabana or a massage!

Peace, Love, and PR.

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